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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Recent Decesions of the UVSF

The UVSF core leadership group recently made a number of important decisions. Here are the results:

1) In order to recognize and honor the communities in the Utah Valley area that are doing the most to help the environment, we will be sending out letters to about 25 area cities asking them to provide a list of what they are doing toward that end. We will then present an award/s accordingly.

2) The UVSF has decided that, as appropriate, we will make public our stances on a number of environmental issues affecting the valley and the planet. The way we will go about this is to be determined.

3) As a community service, we are looking into joining the adopt-a-highway program where the UVSF will be responsible to pick up litter along a 2 mile stretch of federal highway 3 times a year.

4) We are looking into creating a environmental education media program (film, video, YouTube, powerpoint, etc.) to share with schools, clubs, groups and organizations wanting to know more about the UVSF and what we all can do the help the environment.

5) We are proceeding with the process of becoming a non-profit organization under the 501(c)3 section of the IRS code.

6) We have established a membership fee structure of $25/year for adults and $10/year for active students and people facing unusual financial challenges. Membership is not required to attend our meetings or receive our e-mailouts. Membership will be necessary to vote.

7) We are planning to conduct a fund-raising garage or yard sale in the near future.

8) After we become a 501(c)3 organization we will hold elections for officers and appoint committee chairs.

9) We are seeking volunteers to organize fun hikes and educational outings in this area and to other parts of Utah. Anyone interested should contact Jim at uvsf@uvsf.us.

10) We will be making one or more 2009 UVSF "Earth Stewardship Awards" in the near future and welcome your suggestions for candidates for this award. Please submit your suggestions for the person or persons that deserve to be recognized for their contribution/s to helping the environment--along with a statement of explanation--to Jim at uvsf@uvsf.us.

11) We are coming close to selecting a new logo design for the UVSF.

12) We now have a Facebook group page. It is "Utah Valley Sierra Forum (UVSF)."

13) If you have a topic for a future UVSF monthly meeting, and are willing to help organize that meeting, please send your idea/s to Jim at uvsf@uvsf.us.

14) We are planning to publish a UVSF bi-monthly newsletter. The first issue is targeted for 2 months from now.

15) The UVSF is supporting the "350" event in SLC set for October 24th.
"350" events will be held around the world on the same day.


1 comment:

logodesignutah said...

Thanks for the post. Keep up the good work!