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Saturday, June 30, 2007

UVSF Cleanup Team Strikes Diamond Fork Hot Springs: takes many "prisoners"

Seven UVSF members hiked up to beautiful Diamond Fork Hot Springs and bagged 5 trash sacks full of junk. After lunch and a refreshing soak in some delightfully cool pools (the springs have both hot and cool pools, and it was about 96˚ in the shade), we hiked back the 2.25 miles to the trail head before carpooling it to Spanish Fork to deposit the "goods" in proper receptacles.

A really good time was had by all while we did a little deed to help the environment and Mother Earth. As it turned out, the majority of us were Native Americans.

It should be noted that Earl Owen, one of a stalwart members, who is pictured in the "pool," passed on in September of this year. See the other postings in tribute to this quiet, gentle, caring spirit.

Photos ©2007JNW

1 comment:

Bepe Kafka said...

Thanks for doing that.